Channel: Life Support – Women's Network Australia Blog
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First Step: Open Your Eyes

Remember the old Monkey Bars at school, and how you had swing yourself across the rungs? The timing was crucial, and the secret was to keep moving. Hesitate too long and your weight loosened your grip and you dropped to the ground, having to start all over. The key to change is being able to […]

Your Unconscious Blueprint Determines Your Level of Success

Have you ever wondered why you don’t always feel as grown up and confident as you’d expect? Have you struggled to make significant changes in your life? Are relationships a battleground of hurt, outbursts and the silent treatment? The answer could be found in your unconscious blueprint.  This is the internal image you hold of […]

Stepping Stones or Stumbling Blocks?

“The only difference between stepping stones and stumbling blocks is the way in which you use them.” This is one of my favourite quotes, so clearly bringing up the images of tripping over stones or skipping across the top making even faster progress. When you are excited by a project you’re easily motivated, and those stones […]

Boxing At Shadows?

How much of your stress is caused by struggling against change – in the weather, the flow of traffic, your husband folding the towels differently, and of course the bigger changes of ebbs and flows of income, client/customers needs, relationships, health and so on? Change is not merely necessary to life – it is life. – Alvin […]

Creating Success in Every Moment

How much of your time is spent in ‘busyness’, without clear focus and direction? How much of your time do you spend on autopilot, happily following the same habits – some that lead to awesome outcomes and some that leave you wondering what’s going on? Because you are having a human experience, this is really […]

Is Your Unconscious Blueprint Sabotaging Your Business?

Each of us has an unconscious blueprint (TM) which influences how we interpret and respond to the world. This blueprint affects how we see ourselves and impacts our relationships with others including important business and workplace relationships with our staff, managers and colleagues.

Getting Some Perspective

With all the challenges that our businesses (and life) throw at us, it’s way too easy (and perfectly understandable) to lose perspective because we become have become lost in our own world. And when that happens we fail to see either the big picture or the small picture. The small picture is microscopic – the […]

Protect Your Family – Because Things Do Go Wrong

It is an age old saying that there are only two guarantees in Life – Death and Taxes.  Recently an article highlighted the funeral industry as dying, due as people living longer. No financial plan is guaranteed. Therefore, you need to ensure you have a solution in place to cover any unforeseen events. Having a […]

Part 3: 3 Ways to Fail-safe Your Prized Relationships – At Home and at Work.

It’s easier to mend a relationship than to find a brand new one and start afresh.  Consider the emotional and financial cost of divorce, of sacking and hiring staff, of ‘breaking up’ with a joint venture partner.  Are you wincing at the thought? There are just 3 key reasons relationships, personal or business fail: 1. Clash in […]

Understanding Trust

As social beings we are meant to be in collectives where we connect with others. For many our work situations and various family combinations are our most obvious collectives. So too are professional bodies including Women’s Network Australia (WNA) and recreational bodies such as sport teams, etc. Bonding is formed by the degree of intimacy […]

Stability in a Time of Flux – Get a Grip

Everything is dynamic. Everything is is constantly changing even if it is not observable to our naked eye. This fact applies both to ‘within’ and ‘without’. Since this is a universal truth perhaps it would be advisable to stop and self reflect upon our core values: two questions of particular note are first, are they […]

Boundaries: A Challenge for Many

Do you know what a boundary is? Do you know how to establish one and maintain it? Boundaries are meant to be learnt in childhood yet for many of my patients, professional women or otherwise, the actual holding of a boundary can be challenging. Many don’t understand what boundaries are or how to establish them. […]

Time To Stop and Think…..

Do you ever stop to think, really think, about how you spend your time? I mean, we are all so busy just doing; doing all the things that ‘need to be done’….. you know, the washing, the cleaning, meeting our familial and societal ‘obligations’, doing what is ‘expected of us’….. but WHY? How many times […]

Relationships – When to Leave?

Relationships can be wonderful and they can also be hell. The question of “if to” end a relationship and if so, consequently, “when to” end is complex. Nothing is straightforward and regret, even fleeting, seems part of our human condition. An internal statement of “I stayed too long” is often met with “I should have […]

Bearing Witness

“Unfathomable” she declared and quickly composed herself in the opposite chair. It was as if, for a moment, her corporate persona had unravelled. Instantly she commenced recounting the event which had left her bewildered. It seemed her senior had asked her to be an “observer” at a “performance feedback session” of a “challenging” employee. Apparently […]

How Letting Go Means You Get More (Part 1)

Last year my word of the year was “FLOW”. In case you’re not familiar with the concept, a word of the year is designed to guide you and to give you a steady focus and reminder throughout the year as to what is most important for you thematically. Some people don’t even set resolutions or […]

Addicted To Work?

“But your contract finished on Friday!” and he was both exasperated and correct she stated as she recalled her husband’s comment. “I simply could not leave the work computer there. I brought it home and kept going and I still have more to do. And I left 6 days ago. I’m not being paid. It’s […]

How To Change The Perception Of A Challenge

Some time ago I realised I was often unhappy with myself, I would get caught up on the idea that I was not as successful as I would’ve hoped. Due to not achieving the high expectations I had placed on myself, I was left feeling challenged. Later I realised this challenge was actually success and […]

Is Your Life Ready To Showcase?

Have you ever thought about how your life would look to an outsider if it were showcased? Is it a life that you are proud to ‘display’? Is it a life that an observer would find interesting? Well, interestingly, I find myself in this exact position at the moment….. We are currently hosting a Japanese […]

Decision Time!

Making significant decisions, whether in your business or personal life, can be extremely stressful particularly when the consequences of a ‘wrong’ decision are high. Unfortunately, the more stressed you are, the less likely you are to make an informed, empowered decision.  Use this powerful, yet simple, tool to enable you to walk around a decision, […]
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